Statutory Licensing Sub-Committee
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday, 13 August, 2024 commencing at 10.00 am.
Councillors Tim Grogan, Andrew Lee and Subash Sharma.
Officers present: Fiona Casson, Alan Fane and Nicki Lishman.
Copies of all documents considered are in the Minute Book
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Election of Chair
That Councillor Tim Grogan be elected as Chair for the meeting.
(Councillor Tim Grogan in the Chair)
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Apologies for Absence
There were no apologies for absence.
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Disclosures of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
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Procedure for Licensing Hearings
The procedure was agreed.
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Application for the grant of a Premises Licence for the Alpamare Waterpark, 28 Burniston Road, Scarborough, YO12 6PH
The Sub Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director – Environment, which sought determination of an application to grant a Premises Licence for the Alpamare Waterpark, 28 Burniston Road, Scarborough, YO12 6PH.
In coming to its decision, the sub-committee had due regard to the four Licensing Objectives, namely:
· the prevention of crime and disorder, · public safety, · the prevention of public nuisance, and · the protection of children from harm.
Two members of the public spoke to object to the application, raising concerns such as the operating hours of the licence, the possibility of increased noise and disturbance to neighbours of the venue and the risks associated with the sale of alcohol within a water based theme park.
During consideration of the application Members considered:
· The reasons given by the applicant for the requested hours of operation · The lack of any formal complaints against the previous licence holder · That no serious incidents had been reported during the tenure of the previous licence holder · The lengthy experience and extensive knowledge of the operator in running similar venues
After hearing the issues, all four Licensing objectives were considered. In coming to its decision, the sub-committee considered the application on its own merits and had due regard to the National Guidance issued under section 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and former Scarborough Borough Council Licensing Policy which had been adopted by North Yorkshire Council.
That the premises licence be granted on the terms applied with the conditions as described in the attached Decision Notice.
Decision notice - Alpamare Waterpark, 28 Burniston Road, Scarborough
The meeting concluded at 12.55 pm.